Ayurveda Diet Plan

Big Boat

Goal for maintaing Healthy Weight

When the goal is to help a child reach and maintain a healthy weight, parents take the lead. Healthcare providers and nutrition consultants are there to help, but parents exert the most control over the child's activities and habits and thus are in the greatest position to make changes.

* The most important thing parents can do for an obese child is to be supportive. Your child's feelings about himself or herself are at least partly determined by your feelings. Let your child know that you love and accept him or her at any weight.

* Encourage

* Don't criticize

* Be sensitive to the child's concerns about appearance and social relationships.

Weight loss itself is rarely a goal in an obese child. Rather, the goal is to slow or stop weight gain. The idea is to allow the child to grow into his or her body weight gradually, over time. This may take a year or two, or even longer, depending on the child's age, weight, and growth pattern. Remember, an obese child does not have to become an obese adult. When weight loss is set as a goal, the safest and most practical objective is two pounds per month.

For such a plan to succeed, it must involve long-term changes in the habits of the entire family. The obese child should not be singled out. Parents, brothers and sisters, and other family members living in the home all will benefit from a shift toward a healthier lifestyle. Remember that children learn best by example-set a good one.

Excess Body Fat

Obesity means an excess amount of body fat. No general agreement exists on the definition of obesity in children as it does adults. Most professionals use published guidelines based on the body mass index (BMI), or a modified BMI for age, to measure obesity in children. Others define obesity in children as body weight at least 20% higher than a healthy weight for a child of that height, or a body fat percentage above 25% in boys or above 32% in girls.

Although rare in the past, obesity is now among the most widespread medical problems affecting children and adolescents living in the United States and other developed countries. About 15% of adolescents (aged 12-19 years) and children (aged 6-11 years) are obese in the United States according to the American Obesity Association. The numbers are expected to continue increasing. Childhood obesity represents one of our greatest health challenges.

Obesity has a profound effect on a child's life. Obesity increases the child's risk of numerous health problems, and it also can create emotional and social problems. Obese children are also more likely to be obese as adults, increasing their risk of serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke.

If your child is overweight, further weight gain can be prevented. Parents can help their children keep their weight in the healthy range.

* In infancy, breastfeeding and delaying introduction of solid foods may help prevent obesity.

* In early childhood, children should be given healthful, low-fat snacks and take part in vigorous physical activity every day. Their television viewing should be limited to no more than seven hours per week (which includes video games and the Internet).

* Older children can be taught to select healthy, nutritious foods and to develop good exercise habits. Their time spent watching television and playing with computer or video games should be limited to no more than seven hours each week. Avoid snacking or eating meals while watching TV, movies, and videos

Factors causing Obesity

Children who regularly consume more calories than they use will gain weight. If this is not reversed, the child will become obese over time. Consumption of just 100 calories (the equivalent of 8 ounces of a soft drink) above daily requirements will typically result in a 10-pound weight gain over one year. Many different factors contribute to this imbalance between calorie intake and consumption.

* Genetic factors

o Obesity tends to run in families.

o A child with an obese parent, brother, or sister is more likely to become obese.

o Genetics alone does not cause obesity. Obesity will occur only when a child eats more calories than he or she uses.

* Dietary habits

o Children's dietary habits have shifted away from healthy foods (such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) to a much greater reliance on fast food, processed snack foods, and sugary drinks.

o These foods tend to be high in fat and/or calories and low in many other nutrients.

o Patterns associated with obesity are eating when not hungry and eating while watching TV or doing homework.

* Socioeconomic status

o Low family incomes and having nonworking parents are associated with greater calorie intake for activity level.

* Physical inactivity

o The popularity of television, computers, and video games translates into an increasingly sedentary (inactive) lifestyle for many children in the United States.

o Children in the United States spend an average of over three hours per day watching television. Not only does this use little energy (calories), it also encourages snacking.

o Fewer than half of children in the United States have a parent who engages in regular physical exercise.

o Only one third of children in the United States have daily physical education at school.

o Parents' busy schedules and fears about safety prevent many children from taking part in after-school sports programs.

* Certain medical conditions can cause obesity, but these are very rare. They include hormone or other chemical imbalances and inherited disorders of metabolism.

* Certain medications can cause weight gain by altering how the body processes food or stores fat

New Era Defination of Obesity

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. Both terms mean that a person's weight is greater than what is considered healthy for his or her height. Children grow at different rates, so it isn't always easy to know when a child is obese or overweight. Ask your doctor to measure your child's height and weight to determine if he or she is in a healthy range.

If a weight loss program is necessary, involve the whole family in healthy habits so your child doesn't feel singled out. You can encourage healthy eating by serving more fruits and vegetables and buying fewer sodas and high-calorie, high-fat snack foods. Physical activity can also help your child overcome obesity or being overweight. Kids need about 60 minutes each day.

Strawberries : Lovely Fruit, have lots of Health Benefits

Strawberries are like nutritional gems, choc-full with health benefits! These little red berries have been prized for their medicinal benefits since the likes of Julius Caesar walked the earth... So lets check them out!

Firstly, strawberries are a fantastic source of vitamin C. While oranges get all the publicity, 1/2 a punnet of these quiet achievers can provide you with 55mg of vitamin C, thats more than a days worth! Research also suggests that vitamin C may lower the risk of cancers in the gastrointestinal tract.

Folate is a nutrient that is getting more and more focus these days, as it is super important for pregnant women and foetus, so to avoid birth defects such as spina bifida. 1/2 a punnet of strawberries will provide you with 10% of your daily requirements of folate so get munching!

Phytochemicals, or anti-oxidants as they are commonly known. Anti-oxidants neutralize free radicals which are harmful particles in our bodies which encourage damage and ageing. Strawberries contain antioxidants , and one in particular called Ellagic acid. Ellagic acid helps combat carcinogens, free radicals which are linked to cancer. It also turns out that strawberries are better at fighting free radicals than many other fruits like oranges, grapes and kiwi fruit.

Fibre. Well we all know how important in is to stay regular and this is what Strawberries will help you do. The seeds are a good source of insoluble fibre which helps prevent constipation. The strawberry flesh contains soluble fibre and pectin which has been found to help with lowering cholesterol.

But wait there's more! On top of all this there are 3 more great health benefits that can be gained from eating strawberries:
  • strawberries may help lower blood pressure and the risk of heart disease.
  • Strawberries have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities which help maintain kidney and bladder health.
  • Strawberries are low GI at only 40 points which means they are a great food option for diabetics.
 Well there you go, 7 reasons for why Strawberries are really nutritional gems...so what are you waiting for? Go get into 'em!

Source : DesiDieter.Com


Can you provide sweeteners to children?

Sweeteners are increasingly used to replace sugar and in recent years there is an explosion of products labeled "sugar free" (light soda, yogurt, sugar substitutes, chewing gum ....). They are very tempting for children especially if parents use them. But these products are they recommended for toddlers? Are they useful in cases of child overweight?

A short guide to best practices for products sweetened and children.

No sweeteners before 3 years
Many experts have argued that the current state of knowledge, taking intensive sweeteners allowed on our territory (aspartame, sucralose, saccharin ...) does not present a health risk. However, they are not properly authorized in the preparation of foods for infants under 3 months, and they are also not recommended for children under 3 years. Indeed, it already exists for aspartame at risk of certain childhood diseases intolerance to certain amino acids (called a hereditary disease, phenylketonuria) present in the sweetener. But as it is young children, the authorities also prefer to hide behind the famous principle of precaution to all other sweeteners.

Sweeteners for the larger question of weight
For older children, sweeteners are not a problem but it should be noted that there is for each of them an acceptable daily intake (ADI) that we must avoid exceeding. This ADI is based on body weight of the consumer. It is for example 40 mg / kg / d for aspartame, 5 mg / kg / d for saccharin, 15 mg / kg / d for sucralose or 9 mg / kg / day for acesulfame K . By their lower weight compared to adults, children may therefore meet or exceed the ADI faster. It is better to give them time to time that sweet food products sweetened "at will" under the pretext that they provide fewer calories. Nor should we forget that the energy needs of a child are considerable and it is important to provide all necessary nutrients all throughout their growth, "sugar" including.

Sweeteners for children scheme
However, compared to sugar, sweeteners have the advantage of not being cariogenic, that is to say they do not favor the occurrence of dental caries. Moreover, when children or adolescents are actually attracted by high consumption of sugary products such as soft drinks or dessert creams for example, it may be desirable to reduce their contributions. This decrease is obviously gradual, as in a "withdrawal", which allow sweeteners because they do not upset too much the taste of the product (soda or light homemade desserts based sweetener) without causing overconsumption of sugar.

Similarly, in cases of diabetes or overweight, sweeteners can also be used in children, preferably after a medical consultation or supervision of a dietician who will always consider the weight of the child.

A balanced diet for kids!
Although the sweeteners may be useful for children, however, attention to nutrition education that you give them. It does not put them in mind that there are forbidden foods or to avoid, on pain of undermining their future behavior and foster psychological pathologies heavier than overweight in themselves (anorexia, bulimia ... ). Thus, ideally, it is simply best not to accustom children to consume large quantities of sugar products. Just for example whether they simply provide water when thirsty and not a soda or drink a light which would only maintain their preference for sweet taste and disrupt their true feelings ( hunger, thirst, satiety ...). Similarly, a preparation as milk may well be sweeten with fresh fruit (grapes, bananas ...) or dried fruit (pruneaux. ..) that will bring in more of a sweet flavor, fiber, vitamins , minerals, discovered taste ... Perhaps therein lies the real victory against the overweight child and then later that of the adult!

Obesity in children experiencing a staggering increase

Consecrated epidemic last three decades, obesity affects more children, jeopardizing their health. The real disease is the subject of much research. If salaries are so far disappointing, we know better and better the mechanisms of onset and risk factors of obesity. Therefore, doctors, parents and teachers are increasingly mobilized to prevent childhood obesity, and that the earlier in life...

For three decades, obesity rose steadily and rapidly in the world but especially in America, Europe and Japan. If the United States beat the record of obesity for both adults and for Children in Europe England and Germany are the countries where adults are most affected. However obesity in children is more prevalent in the South and Eastern Europe - Hungary, Spain, Italy, Greece, reflecting both the rapid economic changes that factors cultural.

Three to four times more obese children than in the 1970s
Surveys conducted in the 1990s show that obesity is reaching more than one child in 10 in 5-12 years, the percentage varying between 10 and 12.5% across regions. We also know that this percentage is increasing very rapidly past ten years: over 28% in Lorraine in 10 years, over 145% in the Central West over a period of 16 years in children of 10 years.

Children on TV in quite a few activities
Wearing overall, despite the diversity of food supply, the average calorie intake of children in industrialized countries has not increased significantly in recent years. Although the size and average weight of children increased their calorie intake reduced instead. Thus the factor most implicated in the increase of obesity in children is declining level of physical activity with reduced outdoor play in favor of video games, the use of computers and television.

A present and future risk
We now know that obesity is an immediate risk to child health, including the cardiovascular system. But it is also a risk to their future health (impact of obesity on health) and chances of developing diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and respiratory disorders.

But for the obese child, suffering the most acute is probably psychological, with the mockery and rejection as obesity, a real social handicap, causes, things going to get worse in adolescence when the 'body image becomes so important to self esteem ...
Salaries: poor results

The treatment of obesity installed child has bad results. Specialized consultations throughout the world show only 15 to 30% of success, despite expensive treatments and expensive. The treatments are more successful if overweight is moderate and if the environment is actively involved in healing.
Prevention first

The epidemic of obesity must be fought primarily in children. Especially since it is easier to prevent than in adults, children are more receptive to changes in lifestyle, diet and exercise. This is where the family model and the support of loved ones take their place. All surveys show that the majority of nutritional information and lifestyle are taken from parents, especially mothers, and school.

On the other hand, a better understanding of the mechanisms of onset of obesity has shown that it was essential to better monitor the growth curves and body size of children.

So parents be careful if your child is overweight ... it's really the best service to him!

What basically is Childhood Obesity???

Obesity is an excessive increase in body fat in the body, to an extent it may affect health status.

Obesity is defined by exceeding the standard BMI curves. These curves are expressed as percentiles, standard deviation, or standard deviations. The 50th percentile represents the median. Changes considered normal range of 10 to 90. Between the 90th and 97th percentile may have about overweight zone. Beyond 97, there is talk of obesity.

New values
An international definition of childhood obesity based on BMI curves drawn from different countries, will soon be proposed. Two degrees of overweight are defined by the percentiles curves reaching values of 25 and 30 to 18 years. This new international definition for child maintain continuity with the adult and will mainly compare the incidence of obesity compared to the total population between different studies and between different countries.
Variations with age
In the French study reference to growth, where a reference population has been followed longitudinally (over several years) from birth to 20 years, it was observed that the majority of children 1 year does not stay in the same group of corpulence. In particular, 60% of children roughly 1 year will no longer be in adulthood. Hence the importance for young children interested in the dynamic evolution of their corpulence and their adiposity rebound to identify children claiming support or prevention.

Obesity in children

In recent years we see that there's more obese children. The main cause of this obesity is a poor diet, perhaps because of time: because parents do not find time to watch and even cook for their children vary their meals. We empiffrons our children surcreries, fast food, convenience meals, not to mention pizza: what ease!

All these meals are not very healthy for our children and are very fat (bad cholesterol), the consequence is that the child gains weight. My daughter since she is old enough to drink, I prefer water instead of sugary drinks too much or gazeuzes or give him the natural juices made by me or my husband. Regarding sweets, she almost did not claim because I did not used to all ca. If they give him chocolate, she eats, of course, but not more than 3 small squares. Usually I cook my own meals and So It is not likely that she eats at a fast food because we don 't go there practically. I'm not saying never eat in fast food. Yes, when I was pregnant I had these urges. But all I can say is to avoid bringing our children regularly in fast food, finally! it does not become a habit. If we are to avoid becoming obese, monitor their diet, give them a healthy diet, well balanced and mostly we cook their own meals.

Child obesity begins with television

In their ideal kitchen, they find cereals and breads stuffed with chocolate for breakfast, cakes and sweets cravings, and the fridge was full of sugary sodas. They are between 7 and 14 years, a third TV in his room and they spend an average of 48 to 1 pm each day (2 h 54 on weekends). The consumer association UFC-Que Choisir has interviewed 352 of these young people, cutting their statements with those of their parents, to know what products to television advertisements steer their choice.

No big surprise: the fat and sugar are acclaimed. And, coincidentally, "the overwhelming majority (89%) of the products highlighted in advertising for children has no nutritional value," denounces the association said that 14 million European children are overweight that more than 3 million are obese and the number of people overweight or obese in France increased by 5.7% annually. Dairy sweet cheese and fat are particularly those that occur most often on the screen between two cartoons. They are closely followed by breakfast cereals not the good old porridge but "the most sugary cereals." Then there are the sweets.

"Lies." Early in the morning or teatime, when they are most often alone watching TV, children have no chance to hear of fruits and vegetables, water, whole grains , legumes or nuts. "Only 11% of spots present action in the context of a meal, is the UFC-Que Choisir. The importance of rhythm traditional food is not relayed effectively." To succumb to the children most reasonable, the voice manages to boast once both the nutritional benefits of chocolate spread or fruit yogurt. "In most cases, these arguments are misleading in terms of product features " says the association.

The problem, according to the study of the UFC is that the pantry ideal young couch potatoes are not so far removed from what their parents meet in reality. Apparently, they would yield more easily on breakfast cereals and pastries taste. They succeed, however, to impose a little more milk products and would be more intransigent about sodas between meals. Still, "the overall, 60% of products preferred by children and more than half of the products in the closets are too sweet or too fatty."

"Double meaning." "We must educate parents, but also put in a situation easier, advocated Serge Hercberg, nutritionist and engineering plans national health and nutrition. For this, manufacturers must improve the nutritional quality of their products. "

A charter between the government and food industry wishing to be signed in the first half of 2007. Vendors of prepared meals and biscuits could undertake to make less fat, less sugar, less salt, and do not communicate on cereals fatter and sweeter for prime time. "They could also s' commit to limit portion sizes, not to advertise on the airwaves they sell twenty industrial pastries for the price of two, and do not use health claim dual meaning," suggests Serge Hercberg.

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Weight Loss Plan

The Risks from Obesity

Obesity is a major risk factor associated with the following diseases:
  • Hypertension 
  • Non-insulin dependent diabetes type II 
  • Heart disease 
  • Greater risk for certain cancers such as bowel cancer and breast cancer 
  • Other: cholesterol, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, infertility, venous insufficiency, gastroesophageal reflux, urinary incontinence

The causes of obesity

Several factors help explain obesity 
  •  / genetic factors: they have an undeniable role but are not solely responsible 
A small number of genes have a significant impact on body size and the percentage or the regional distribution of body fat.
Overweight children aged one to ten years with at least one obese parent have a 80% risk of becoming obese in adulthood cons 10% chance if both parents are lean.
  • / endocrinological factors: hormonal imbalance, glandular 
  • / other medical factors 
  • / environmental factors and behavioral changes 
- Junk food with high dietary (food high in fat). 
Western populations tend to consume fewer calories and less fat than in 1960 when they grow steadily. This reflects a change of lifestyle that is becoming increasingly sedentary.

- Lack of physical activity: there is a real imbalance between supply and swallowed it spent.

Obesity Epidemiology

Obesity has become the first non-infectious disease in history. It is a real epidemic in both countries that the industrialized countries in the developing world. The World Health currently up its prevention and care as a priority in the field of nutritional pathology.
  • Over 6 billion people, 3 billion are malnourished and some are becoming obese. 
  • 50% of Americans are overweight and 25% frankly obese. 
  • In some Pacific islands, obesity affects nearly two-thirds of the population. 
  • Europe has 30% of adults are overweight and the number of obese children has doubled in five years. 
  • There are 8 million in France obese, 100 000 200 000 massive obesity (BMI; 40). One third of these patients are hypertensive, diabetic and third third hyperlipidemic. 
  • Nationally, the prevalence of obesity has increased by about 45% between 1987 and 1996. 
  • A rising concern as it relates to people more and more young people.

What Obesity Stands for

Obesity is a "condition characterized by an excess of body fat distributed across the board in various areas of the body fat. Definition taken from the Dictionary of Medicine Flammarion. In most cases, obesity is assessed by the weight it should be noted that there is no strict equivalence between weight and obesity because the weight involved, in addition to fat, bone, water and muscle.

Obesity is defined by a Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing the person's weight by the square of height (kg / m2). If this index is greater than or equal to 30, the individual is considered obese. Between 25 and 30, we talk about préobésité. From 40 kg / m2, we speak morbid obesity. This is the threshold at which we may see a morbidity secondary to different types of complications.