Important facts
->there are almost 1 billion overweighted audlts & out of them around 300 million are suffering from obesity
->obesity increases the risk factor in chronic diseases
->large in-takes of energy-dense foods which contain saturated fats & sugers & less physical work
Glabally obesity is reaching epidemic proportions where more than 1 billion adults are overweight & out of them minimum 300 million are obese which is a major contribution in the global burden of diseases & developing countries the situation of obesity is becoming complex pertaining to all social & psychological issues affecting all age groups almost.
Large in takes of energy-busted foods with poor nutrient contents & high levels os sugar & fat contents with less of physical work lead to growing obesity rates rising more & more since 1980 in few areas of Unites Kingdom,North AMerica,Eastern Europe,the Pacific Islands,the Middle East,Autralasia & China.Not only industrialised socities are prne to obesity epidemic,but is increasing in even faster in the developing countries as well than the developed world.
The problems of obesity & overweight are a great risk for the diet-restrictes chronic diseases whic includes type 2 diabetes,cardiovascular diseases,stroke & hypertension & some forms of cancer. The health results ranges vary from increased risks of prematured death to the chronic disease conditions that degrade the overall quality of life.
the main concern is the increasing situations of child obesity.
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