Ayurveda Diet Plan

Big Boat

Health Risks for Obese Children

In growing stage children often tend to many health risks and their growth certainly depends on their diet and the activities they are involved in to. And, just like adults the excess intake of fats and unhealthy food leads to over weightiness and bulky body.

Obesity is a proven risk by experts for one who dosen't have healthy intake of calories and then proper utilization of that energy, which also affects people generation after generation with following problems:
  1. Hypertension - Hypertension is more frequent problem which exists more in bulky body.
  2. Type 2 Diabetes - Obese children usually gets effected by this kind of diabetes due to their parental health problems and so increases the risk factor in children.
  3. Orthopedic complications - The problems in higher limbs and joints are also one of the consequencies.
  4. Depression - the psychological problems also can occur due to obesity at early age which can lead to depression creating several other physical and mental disorders.
  5. Asthma –Lack of pulmonic bodybuilding can lead to the respiratory problems in kids along with several allergies like dust and certain chemicals that may be a part of regular life.
Metabolic Syndrome can lead to the ailments like Abnormal lipids, High Blood Pressure, Insulin Resistance, Obesity and even diabetes:

Overweight for LifeObesity at early age raises the risk factor of being affected badly by several serious issues like cancer, Nervous hit and cardiovascular disease.


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